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Diamond Care

Diamonds are one of the hardest substances on earth and are uniquely resistant to damage by heat or scratching.  It is important to know though that diamonds are not indestructible.  They can chip and break and are especially vulnerable at the girdle.

Diamonds and other gemstones are measured by the Mohs scale.  It runs from 10 (hardest) down to 1 (softest).  Normally a diamond will last a long time but if hit just the right way it can be chipped, scratched or even split in half.  Anytime that a diamond comes in contact with a hard surface it is at risk of damage.

When wearing your diamond, you should be conscious of it on your finger, removing it when doing any type of activity that might expose it to a rough substance or a hard blow.  This might include gardening, doing the dishes, intense exercise/lifting weights, etc.

Even when clapping your hands, if you have a ring on the other hand, and they hit each other, there is a chance of you breaking or chipping your diamond.

Your diamond should be protected in a soft case if you’re not wearing it.  Stop in to have your diamond and setting checked periodically, either by someone at Dejan Studio Jewelry, or by another trusted jeweler.  Dejan Studio Jewelry is not responsible for any chipped, scratched or cracked diamonds that are a result of normal wear.

Dejan Studio Jewelry does not cover any damage that occurs after the date of the sale.  Because unforeseen accidents do happen, we strongly recommend that you insure your diamond against loss, theft, and damage.

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